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The Canal du Midi maps

- Cartographie du Canal du Midi

The four detailed maps included in this package suggest you explore an incredible construction work, more than just a magnificent shaded waterway. Discrete or audacious, innovative or standardized, the aqueducts and hidden siphons, the discharge channels, the canal-bridges, the tunnels, the buildings account for how the flow of water was managed; how the tricky crossings of the wild waters were organized; and how people worked and lived on the canal and on the barges. With the current and time, these construction sites tell us about their builders’ know how and the challenges taken up by the topographers, the engineers and the architects. Your boat trips, your strolls or your bike rides will take on a different meaning and the maps of the landscape will enable you to enjoy better these moments.

- from Toulouse to Sète in 4 maps of 108 x 42 cm
- the maps have been folded and collected in a booklet of 13,5 x 21 x 1 cm
- the bridges, the aqueducts, the discharge channels are localized, named and dated
- the kilometres between the sluice gates and the levels of the reaches are indicated
- tourist information points
- timeline depicting the building of the canal
- each map in FRENCH and ENGLISH

For more details : www.acteurcanaldumidi.fr

The Canal du Midi to and fro
ISBN: 9782746645189, edited in May 2012
- author, editor: Philippe VALENTIN- OEkoumène Cartographie

correo electrónico : canalriquet@orange.fr
Site Web : www.oekoumene-cartographie.fr

Le Canal du Midi de long en large
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Encargar la mapa

Cartes de la Voie Verte, du Canal du Midi et de la Garonne

Reciba en su domicilio los mapas del Canal du Midi y de la Vía Verde.

Conception: Agence Enform
Réalisation: Surlatoile.net