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The Tarn-et-Garonne : An art of living

- Tourist Development Agency of Tarn-et-Garonne

Discover the art of living in Tarn-et-Garonne along the “voie verte” of the Canal des Deux-Mers which takes you through this department from Pompignan to Lamagistère.
Take time to explore villages as Grisolles, Montech, Castelsarrasin, Moissac (Great tourist site in Midi-Pyrénées) and Valence d’Agen.
Stop in the inns and relish the calm and serenity of the towpath alongside the canal, taste the local gastronomic specialties and visit our rich patrimony in architecture.

Do not hesitate to contact our booking service to organize your bike trip. We will be pleased to recommend hotels, camping sites and bed and breakfasts along your itinerary.

Sandrine, Magali

Tel. : 05 63 21 79 60 / 05 63 21 79 61
Web site : www.tourisme-tarnetgaronne.fr

Le Tarn-et-Garonne : C'est tout un art
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Cartes de la Voie Verte, du Canal du Midi et de la Garonne

Receive at home the maps of the Canal du Midi and the Green Roa.

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Réalisation: Surlatoile.net